Energy Planning Board Members
Agency Members
Organization, Title | Member, County of Residence | FY 2022-23 Expenses |
Est. FY 2023-24 Expenses | Est. FY 2024-25 Expenses |
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, President and CEO (Chair) | Doreen M. Harris, Schenectady | - | - | - |
New York State Public Service Commission, Chair | Rory Christian, Kings | - | - | - |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Interim Commissioner | Sean Mahar, Albany | - | - | - |
Empire State Development, Commissioner and President & CEO | Hope Knight, New York | - | - | - |
New York State Department of Transportation, Commissioner | Marie Therese Dominguez, Albany | - | - | - |
New York State Department of Labor, Commissioner | Roberta Reardon, New York | - | - | - |
New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Commissioner | Jackie Bray, Ulster | - | - | - |
New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner | Richard Ball, Schoharie | - | - | - |
New York State Department of Health, Commissioner | Dr. James V. McDonald, Albany | - | - | - |
New York State Department of State, Secretary of State | Walter T. Mosley, Albany | - | - | - |
Appointee of the Governor
Organization, Title | Member, County of Residence | FY 2022-23 Expenses | Est. FY 2023-24 Expenses | Est. FY 2024-25 Expenses |
State University of New York, Chancellor | Dr. John B. King, Jr., Albany | - | - | - |
Appointee of the Temporary President of the Senate
Organization, Title | Member, County of Residence | FY 2022-23 Expenses | Est. FY 2023-24 Expenses | Est. FY 2024-25 Expenses |
Con Edison, Senior Specialist | William Suggs, Kings | - | - | - |
Appointee of the Speaker of the Assembly
Organization, Title | Member, County of Residence | FY 2022-23 Expenses | Est. FY 2023-24 Expenses | Est. FY 2024-25 Expenses |
New York State Assembly, Chair, Energy Committee | Didi Barrett, Columbia | - | - | - |
Presiding Officer of the Federally Designated Electric Bulk System Operator
Organization, Title | Member, County of Residence | FY 2022-23 Expenses | Est. FY 2023-24 Expenses | Est. FY 2024-25 Expenses |
President and CEO of New York Independent System Operator (non-voting) | Richard Dewey, Rensselaer | - | - | - |